A whole generation slipped by in the sands of time,
And I miss that sacred story of mine,
I have seen it all whiz by like I was on crutches,
And then surrendering meekly to its clutches,
Saw it rise from below the horizon and cover
The dead, the mutilated, the gnawed lover.
I have seen the night fall in every night,
And I ‘ve seen her exhaustion and her might,
I have seen victories grand and defeats tearful,
Charming princes and monsters fearful.
I want to see a victory none has seen,
A place where none has been.
I miss a land with no sandstorm and no mirage,
Where I borrow no mask and lend no visage.
The sun comes up right above my head,
And shines its mirth and joy right into my bed
The joy and the gaiety is now a shroud,
Out comes from beneath the cloud,
All that has slipped by in the sands of time,
All that always was, always will be mine.